Bull Development

Post Weaning bulls are raised at Etheridge Cattle Company in Williston, Florida. Bulls are then tested for feed efficiency by the C-Lock Smart Feeders thru the Southern Beef Performance Center.
After the 30 day warm up period there is a 75+ day test period for RFI, FCR, and ADG bulls are fed ad libitum a roughage based ration to target 3.5# ADG. After the test period is over bulls are then carcass ultrasound for REA, IMF and Rib Fat measurements. Also they get their yearling weight and scrotal circumferences recorded. Bulls are then turned in large grass traps to continue their development process until sale day. The large grass traps allow the bulls to acclimate to native forages as well as build natural muscling to be able to maintain their body condition in the harsh gulf coast environments.